SOON AFTER the New Mass appeared in 1969, a group of Roman theologians and liturgists met to discuss producing a critique of the new rite, which would then be submitted to Paul VI by Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, former Prefect of the Holy Office. Fr. M.L. Guérard des Lauriers OP wrote the text of the critique, […]
Author Archives: frcekada
Fr. Cekada on The Ottaviani Intervention: Video Conversation
Video 10: Adroit Choices, Giant Voices
CHAPTER 10. Analysis of the revised cycle of Scripture readings and the Liturgy of the Word in the Missal of Paul VI. The post-Vatican Mass: Is it really “more scriptural”? Were the “treasures of the Bible” really “opened up more lavishly,” as Paul VI claimed? The lectionary for the Mass of Paul VI contains thousands […]
Video 9: New Values, New Perspectives
CHAPTER 9. The revised orations in the Missal of Paul VI. The traditional Missal contains 1182 orations. About 760 of those were dropped entirely when the Missal of Paul VI was created. 422 old orations remained — only 36%. The revisers altered over HALF of them before introducing them into the new Missal. Thus, only 17% of […]
Review of WHH from a Liberal Perspective
LAST MONTH we received word that Work of Human Hands had received yet another review, this one on the Religious Studies blog. This blog has a secular and liberal perspective on most issues, so it was therefore a bit surprising to learn the review had a number of positive things to say about WHH. The […]
On Rorate Blog: Interview with Fr. Cekada about “Work of Human Hands”
IN DECEMBER 2011, Stephen Heiner of True Restoration Press filmed a lengthy conversation with me about my book Work of Human Hands: A Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI, available from Philothea Press, West Chester OH. Two video excerpts are being made available free of charge via Rorate Caeli, a widely-read and highly-respected […]
Brian Mershon: WHH “Witty, Readable… I Highly Recommend It… Demands a Response”
• “A witty, readable work easily digestible by most well-read Catholics.” • “Shows how the historical evidence for many of the changes to pre-Tridentine times was merely a ruse developed by the modernist reformers.” • “I highly recommend this book — even reading it multiple times as I myself did.” • “Father Cekada’s exhaustive theological critique […]
Video 8: Meeting and Greeting
CHAPTER 8: An analysis of the Introductory Rites of the Mass of Paul VI. The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar in the traditional Mass are directed towards priestly purification. The Introductory Rites in the New Mass, its creators said, are directed at “stirring up a sense of community,” initiating dialogue, promoting affability, forming […]
Video 7: Ready for Assembly
CHAPTER 7. Why do so many churches built for the Mass of Paul VI look so “un-churchy”? Why does the priest face the people now for Mass? Why did the tabernacle disappear? Why are there so few statues and images? The answer isn’t fads or bad taste. It’s bad theology — specifically the modernist theology of the Mass as […]
Video 6. The Cleverness of the Revisers
CHAPTER 6. The protestant and modernist theology behind the 1969 General Instruction on the new Order of Mass provokes a controversy that leads to The Ottaviani Intervention. The Vatican responds first by lying about the nature of the 1969 Instruction, and then by issuing a revised Instruction in 1970, which places “Tridentine” terms alongside the […]
Video 5: The Mass as “Assembly”
CHAPTER 5. Why does the New Mass seem radically different from the traditional Latin Mass? It was conceived of as an “assembly” rather than a “sacrifice.” The 1969 General Instruction on the Roman Missal presented the underlying theological principles for the creation of the Mass of Paul VI. In this document, the essence of the Mass is […]