Video 8: Meeting and Greeting

CHAPTER 8: An analysis of the Introductory Rites of the Mass of Paul VI.

The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar in the traditional Mass are directed towards priestly purification.

The Introductory Rites in the New Mass, its creators said, are directed at “stirring up a sense of community,” initiating dialogue, promoting affability, forming a human community, building rapport, and acknowledging Christ’s presence in the people.

This reflects the modernist and ecumenical notion of the Mass as “assembly,” rather that as a sacrifice offered to God.

Hence, debased music at Mass, a casual atmosphere in church, and chatty, informal priests.


“Father Cekada systematically traces the history of the destruction and minutely documents, using the very words of the reformers themselves, and shows the reader the theological decatholicizing caused by the final product….

“While the liturgical and theological scholar reader will be pleased to find Father Cekada’s copious footnotes for further reading and analysis, Work of Human Hands is not simply a dry, theological tome, but is indeed a witty, readable work easily digestible by most well-read Catholics”

— Brian Mershon
Renew America
January 14, 2012

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