CHAPTER 4. The Second Vatican Council’s contradictory pronouncements on the question of Latin vs. modern languages in worship. Why did the Church retain Latin as a liturgical language? For forty years, English-speaking countries used falsified translations of the original Latin Missal that Paul VI promulgated in 1970. Who was responsible for this fraud? Wicked liberal American […]
Author Archives: frcekada
Video 4: Lost in Translation
Video 3: The Creation of the New Mass
CHAPTER 3. Conspiracy theory? Fr. Josef Jungmann describes the New Mass — in 1948. The creation of the new rite gradually unfolded over the course of twenty years through a series of incremental liturgical changes overseen by Fr. Annibale Bugnini, who would write Vatican II’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, implement it as the head of […]
Video 2: The Change Agents
CHAPTER 2. Many features of the post-Vatican II liturgical reforms that traditionalists found objectionable were rooted in ideas proposed by the Liturgical Movement as early as the 1920s. Already in the 1940s, these initiatives were being criticized as based on the modernist heresy. The theories of two key figures in the Liturgical Movement during this […]
Video 1: What’s the Fuss About?
CHAPTER 1: New interest in the traditional Latin Mass. Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum. Importance of the doctrinal issue. Presentation of main thesis (contention) of the book. Method: Systematic examination of the prayers and ceremonies of the Mass of Paul VI. Reference to writings of men responsible for creating the New Mass. “Full of interesting and credible […]
Alcuin Reid: Cekada’s Book on New Mass “Flags the Big Question We’ve Not Been Prepared to Face”
• “Carefully argued. • “Well researched.” • Ably demonstrates that “The Mass of Paul VI remains, in its Latin original… intentionally theologically different to what came before.” • “The book as a whole succeeds in demonstrating the substantial theological difference between the two missals.” • “Also succeeds in demonstrating the impact of a doctrinally different […]
Missal Translation Director Praises Cekada’s Book on the Mass of Paul VI
• “Full of interesting and credible analysis.” • “An important contribution to the current debate.” • “A genuinely informative work.” • “Does not skimp on scholarly detail.” • “A clear commitment to presenting the fullest possible narrative account of the evolution of the current Roman Missal.” • “A legitimate claim to being the fullest account […]
Ordinations during the Pre-1955 Easter Vigil
New Oxford Review, the Pre-Vatican II Reforms and the New Mass
THE New Oxford Review, a monthly with a conservative take on many issues in the post-Vatican II church, recently reviewed Nicola Giampietro’s The Development of the Liturgical Reform: As Seen by Cardinal Ferdinando Antonelli from 1948 to 1970 (Roman Catholic Books, 348 pages, $33.75). Antonelli was a liturgist and Vatican official who from 1948 onwards […]
WHH: “The Definitive Traditionalist Critique of the New Missal”
IN ITS MARCH 2011 number, the Australian Catholic periodical Oriens published a combined review of three recently-published books on the post-Vatican II era, Dr. Tracey Rowland’s Benedict XVI: A Guide for the Perplexed, Dr. Geoffrey Hull’s The Banished Heart: Origins of Heteropraxis in the Catholic Church and Fr. Anthony Cekada’s Work of Human Hands: A Theological Critique of the Mass […]
Benedict XVI and Communion in the Hand: Put Aside Your Illusions
EVER SINCE the post-Vatican II revolution began, the liturgical change that faithful Catholics regarded as most horrifying was communion in the hand. It overthrew everything — everything — we had been taught to believe about the ineffable holiness of the Real Presence and the sacred character of the priesthood. The 16th-century Protestant heretics who abolished […]