CHAPTER 4. The Second Vatican Council’s contradictory pronouncements on the question of Latin vs. modern languages in worship. Why did the Church retain Latin as a liturgical language? For forty years, English-speaking countries used falsified translations of the original Latin Missal that Paul VI promulgated in 1970. Who was responsible for this fraud? Wicked liberal American […]
Category Archives: 04 Latin to the Vernacular
ICEL Mistranslations: Who’s to Blame?
AN ARTICLE in a recent issue of The Wanderer resurrected the old accusation, often heard in the 1960s and 1970s, that ICEL (the International Committee for English in the Liturgy), bore almost exclusive responsibility for the post-Vatican II mistranslations of the Mass of Paul VI. English-speaking Catholics, we were repeatedly told, never had the opportunity […]
Also posted in WHH Chapter Topics
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